Live Tweets Part 2

My strategy for live tweeting consists of an introduction of the content, a brief description of the story line, and links to articles that are relevant to the topic, including academic articles. I also include lecture content, quotes and many pictures and gifs. Interacting with my classmates is my main priority. I do this by posing questions in my tweets, adding polls, and replying to their tweets. The most interaction I do is favorite my classmates tweets.

I prepare a study guide before each session so that I could focus on replying to my classmates tweets. The pre-scripted tweets are very helpful.

I think my live tweeting has improved since the first half of the semester. Before I did not add many academic articles or much lecture content. Although the academic articles are not as big of hit as I thought they were going to be. I would hope that people would favorite the tweet and then go back and read them on their spare time, if they wish. The lecture content got some feedback which was good. I tried to link the lecture notes to the screening of that week. I quoted people that were in the lecture and used their ideas to try and start conversations.

Through the live tweeting experiences I have learned how to properly use Twitter. The proper use of hashtags is more than just words, but links. These links reach a wider audience, thus a bigger platform for your tweets. Also a network where you could see what other people are posting about using that hashtag. I have also mastered the art of multitasking, between posting my pre-written tweets to favoriting to replying to watching the screening to researching. Its all a brain stimulating activity. I also learned to collaborate with my classmates through a digital platform. Most of my previous classes worked in group projects and that is how we do group work. But this digital aspect of group work is really interesting and I like this strategy.

What I gained from the experience is a plethora of opinions, resources and knowledge about various topics. I now have a place where I can look back and research things that I did not even know I was interested in.

My live tweeting sessions are not perfect, I still have a lot to improve on. For example when someone replies to my tweet I have a hard time commenting back. I never know what exactly to say. My critical and analytical skills can use some improving, especially when tried on the spot. I could also improve my research skills. When I post a resource, the tweet is captioned with ‘Good read!’ or ‘Cool Video!’. I think I could improve my captions by pulling something out of the resource or asking a question about it and then have the link under it.


Above are tweets linked to academic journals. They did not take off as much as I though they would.


Below are short videos of evidence of engagement.

engage  engage (3)

engage (2)           engage


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Below are tweets including articles.


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Screenshot (140)Screenshot (141)

The next set of images are tweets that include content from the lecture.


lecture (1)

lecture (2)

lecture (3)
